Camden had a wonderful first Christmas! Kevin's family came in on Saturday and stayed through Thursday. Afterwards, my mom and dad came in on Thursday and stayed through today. So between his two set of grandparents, Camden was spoiled rotten!! It was so wonderful seeing all the family again and we just had such a relaxing and fun time hanging out, eating, playing games, opening presents, playing with our gifts, and going to the candlelight service at Church. Cousin Jake showed us all his growing collection of words and phrases and Maddie showed off her unique dancing skills. Aunt Ashley brought her friend Bob over and he was a fun guy. Kevin, Jon, Sam and Dad2 went to the Jags/Pats game and grumbled together about the fact that none of them had made the fantasy football playoffs this year. We all watched the Noles kick butt in the prestigious Emerald Bowl (awesome win!). Here's a few pics of our great weekend:
Here's a few shots of: Cam in cousin Maddie's antlers, the kids enjoying their gifts, Cam and Mommy, at Church, and Cam with his Nana.