For all those curious about Camden's progress and how DLC is going, I'll fill you in. It's growing on us and him. He doesn't seem to have as much attachment anxiety anymore. It's just understood that he'll be eating breakfast as soon as he's dropped off, and he really just focuses on the food now. And he's begun OT--the goal the OT wants him to work on is to be able to eat with utensils and wants us to work on "unballing" his hands and flexing those fingers out. He should hopefully start Speech this week.
A friend at Church that says his head is more stable every time she sees him. And when he's on the floor, he can get into a position with his legs in a "T" shape and props himself up quite sturdily. So progress is being made--Camden is like the tortoise. It may take him longer, but he will win the race! Thanks for all the prayers--they are WORKING!! :)
Here's a pic of the Christmas tree and Camden's "T" sit.