As I post this, we're in the middle of putting up the Christmas tree. It's crazy how fast this year has flown by, isn't it? We enjoyed our time with Nana and Gramps and the rest of the Bailey crew. Luke got to meet his Aunt Ashley and Uncle Jon, plus Granny and Pops on the Ross side of the family. We feasted on a delicious Thanksgiving dinner that Aunt Joani was wise enough to cater, but felt like we were at a fancy resturant with the china we ate on and fresh flowers on the table. (Aunt JoJo always makes it so special!) We went to go "see" the lighting of the tree at the Landing (but really were just there for the fireworks, which unfortunately, still freak Camden out). Camden had fun making chocolate covered pretzels with Maddie and Jake, riding bikes with his cousins, picking out the Christmas tree, jumping on the trampoline, hanging out watching football games (except the FSU game--not so enjoyable!) and going shopping with Mommy on Black Friday (okay, again, not so enjoyable!). We'll be doing Christmas with the Kimbles in Perry and it will be here before you know it!
Luke is still waking every 2 hours at night, making Mommy a zombie. But I've got one more week of maternity leave left to put Chubbs on a schedule. If you've got any advice, we're all ears!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
One little (sick) Indian boy
Yesterday parents were invited to Camden's school for their annual Thanksgiving feast. I was feeling adventurous so I drove to his school w/ my baby Bjorn wrapped around me (Luke, not to worry, was in his car seat). But before I got there, Kevin called to say Ms. Campbell called. Camden had a low-grade fever and was very fussy. So I just took him home, and prayed that both boys would miraculously take a nap during the same time, so maybe Mommy could get a nap in too. Luke cooperated, and gave us a 3 hour nap, which gave me time to spend one-on-one with Ferris Bueler, who never went down for a nap, even after a dose of Motrin.
I went without a nap, a shower and lunch, but managed to care for both of the boys until Daddy came home. I still don't know if Camden understands breastfeeding. He just looks over and sees Luke chilling on my lap and assumes we're just relaxing. That's when he gets a little whiny and I have to explain that Luke is eating.
Camden is back at school today. So I missed out on having lunch with the pilgrims and Indians, but at least Camden took home his little feather hat to show Nana and Gramps when they come into town next week! I'll add a pic to this post later.
I went without a nap, a shower and lunch, but managed to care for both of the boys until Daddy came home. I still don't know if Camden understands breastfeeding. He just looks over and sees Luke chilling on my lap and assumes we're just relaxing. That's when he gets a little whiny and I have to explain that Luke is eating.
Camden is back at school today. So I missed out on having lunch with the pilgrims and Indians, but at least Camden took home his little feather hat to show Nana and Gramps when they come into town next week! I'll add a pic to this post later.
Monday, November 16, 2009

This morning Camden had his once-a-year visit to Dr. Loveless, the bone Dr. He didn't get any x-rays this time, but bent Camden's legs and feet this way and that and had him stand up for him. Camden loved all this, and just giggled and farted away! Dr. Loveless gives him an "A"! We updated him on everything that has happened since seeing him last and the Dr. was impressed with Camden's spine and the range of his movements. He doesn't recommend anything else other than what we're already doing. He did say that we're not out of the woods as far as fixed joint contractures go. It could still be an issue for Camden down the road. But if it gets to that point, Dr. Loveless has a plan in motion to refer Camden to another Dr. who specializes in Botox.
So this was wonderful news today and we're feeling even more blessed than usual. Thank you to all of you who faithfully pray for Camden. This is an answer to your prayers and shows us His heart and His plans for our boy! God is good--all the time!
P.S. I dropped Camden off at school afterwards and he and Luke both got the hiccups at the same time. It was pretty cute. Camden was laughing at Luke's little hiccups. Once at the school I said "Camden, say goodbye to Luke" and he did his beautyqueen wave (his newest thing). So sweet!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Glamour Shots
The new It-boy (Luke) had some fun taking a few modeling shots with Grandpa Dan. Here's how they turned out...(Special thanks to Aunt Betsy, whose "son-flowers" were featured in the pics. Also look out for Luke's best buddy, Samuel--my friend Heather's new baby!).
Special Visitors
Luke has met a lot of cool people in his first week of life! He met Ms. Sherry & Stefani; his cousins Maddie & Jake with Aunt JoJo & Uncle Sam; Nana and Gramps; Aunt Betsy and cousins Wil & Elsie; and Jeff Probst on Survivor night.
Here are some pics of his new friends.
Here are some pics of his new friends.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Independence Day
Ask Camden what the biggest news this week was, and he'll tell you it was getting his bike! Today at therapy, Ms. Lisa presented him with his very own adaptive bike. An anonymous couple donate 15 bikes each year to Wolfsons Chidrens Rehab children and Lisa put Camden's name on the short list. After a few pushes, he got the hang of it and really took off! This is such a big deal for him and us. It's so normalizing--now he can experience what he's only been able to watch other kids do. And it's empowering: You can see how much it means to him to be able to move himself. It seems to already be making a difference in his walking pattern. After riding for a while, he took broad, bold aligned steps. Dad mentioned that this is a new activity that will help him to emulate walking steps. Camden needed this right now, something just for him. Lately it seems this family has been showered with blessings!
The Brothers Bailey
More pics
Here are some more random pics from last weekend, when Camden's cousins came into town for trick-or-treating. On Sunday I went into labor and by Monday, another cousin was born!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
We're home!
We are now home and enjoying having Grandma and Grandpa's help with managing our new family dynamics. Luke was discharged on Tuesday at around 12:30. After taking a tour of his new surroundings, Luke finally had the chance to meet his big brother Camden when he got home from school. Camden seemed to really like his new bro, and was all smiles. We of course had to remind him to be gentle with little Luke. It was wonderful to see my Cam Cam again--I hadn't seen him since Sunday.
Daddy went back to work for the rest of the week since MOm and Dad are here. He'll be taking all next week off to be with Luke and I. Luke is a hearty eater, and I've been blessed to have no issues w/ the breastfeeding so far. As to the sleeping, Luke seems to be a nightowl: likes to sleep a lot during the day and keep Mommy up all night. Your typical newborn stuff. He gave me and hour and a half of sleeping in his bassinette before he decided to wake every hour, almost on the hour to eat. But I'm just enjoying his newness, and all the sweet little noises he makes when eating. He's a good baby.
Here are a few pics of the new guy. I'm going to tackle some stuff on my to-do list while Luke is chilling. Thanks for all your sweet thoughts, comments and prayers. (Special thanks to Betsy for updating our blog, and to Becka who created a slideshow while I was in the hospital-You girls did great!)New pics to come soon (hopefully!). Til then...
Copy and paste this link for Becka's slideshow:
Daddy went back to work for the rest of the week since MOm and Dad are here. He'll be taking all next week off to be with Luke and I. Luke is a hearty eater, and I've been blessed to have no issues w/ the breastfeeding so far. As to the sleeping, Luke seems to be a nightowl: likes to sleep a lot during the day and keep Mommy up all night. Your typical newborn stuff. He gave me and hour and a half of sleeping in his bassinette before he decided to wake every hour, almost on the hour to eat. But I'm just enjoying his newness, and all the sweet little noises he makes when eating. He's a good baby.
Here are a few pics of the new guy. I'm going to tackle some stuff on my to-do list while Luke is chilling. Thanks for all your sweet thoughts, comments and prayers. (Special thanks to Betsy for updating our blog, and to Becka who created a slideshow while I was in the hospital-You girls did great!)New pics to come soon (hopefully!). Til then...
Copy and paste this link for Becka's slideshow:
Monday, November 02, 2009
The First Chapter in the book of Luke!
Luke Daniel Bailey has arrived! He was born at 2:12 a.m. Monday, November 2nd. He weighs 9lbs and 2oz and measures 21.5 in long. He has light brown hair and loves to eat! Luke and his mother are expected to go home on Tuesday to meet his big brother Camden. Kevin and Becky both thank you for every prayer sent up! Stay tuned for more! (Posted for the Bailey's by Aunt Betsy. Aunt Becka posted some great pictures on her blog-go to Bill and Becka's blog to see little Luke!)
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