Joani gave us some good advice: We wanted to tell you all how to view Camden's webcam. (Grandpa has nicknamed it the "Cam-cam").
It works with Yahoo, so if you don't already have an account, you need to get one--it's free. Then set up instant messaging (IM) and I'll put you on my buddy list. When Camden is in front of the camera, I'll IM you and let you know, so that if you are free to watch the cam, you can! So, let me know when you get an account, and I'll add you to my list. :)
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Sunday, after Church

This past weekend, Kevin had art therapy supervision in Tallahassee, so it gave Camden a good excuse to go hang out with his Nana and Gramps and Uncle Jon. It was his 1st trip to Nana's house and she made him very cozy! He also got to meet a few new Tally friends, like future mother-in-law, Beth (who looks adorable 33 weeks pregnant with Camden's betrothed, Olivia---she's due in Sept.); Mommy's old co-worker and friend Lisa and her sweet little boy, Jake; "Aunt" Heather and Great Aunt Karen & Uncle Richard. He also got to play around with his Great G-ma Jane (and got a little spit up on her, but she didn't mind at all!). Here is a few shots of Camden with Beth and Heather. We also took some pics of Cam in his Church outfit with the webcam.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
We miss the beach!!

All this time he spent at beach houses this summer has really turned Camden into a beach bum! We're now back from Ponte Vedra/St. Augustine beach where Gramps and Nanna treated the entire family (and then some!) to a fun-filled week at a fabulous beach house. In addition to hanging out with his cousins and aunts and uncles, Camden met some more of his wonderful family: Sharon, Dave, Alyssa, Julie, Christy (and her boyfriend Adam...I mean, Andy!), Andrew, Ricky, Nicky and his favorite, Maggie). We put aside our diets and took turns cooking. We soaked up the sun and some of us got a little too much of it (Kevin). We also collected treasures from the sea and had 2 seperate competitions: Joani won the shark teeth competition and I won for starfish(Kevin wants me to mention that he found the largest shark's tooth). Some more adventurous folks tried to surf and even got up on the board a few times. If you ask Camden, though, he'll tell you his favorite was taking naps on the beach! Time flew by and we couldn't be more grateful to Gramps and Nanna for making it happen. Love ya
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Poor wittle guy

We took Camden today for his 2 month check-up. TWO MONTHS, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??! The Dr. was impressed with his growth and says he's in the 75th percentile for weight and length (whatever that means). But he had to get 4 shots and that was hard to watch. But at least that's out of the way.
A big shout-out to the birthday girl...HAPPY BIRTHDA

Happy 4th, part 2
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Happy 4th Birthday, Maddie!
This was a week for 4's....the 4th of July and Maddie's 4th birthday!
We made it to Church today and Camden slept through the entire service, so next time he'll graduate to the floor level (instead of the balcony, which allowed for a quick getaway). After Church, we went over to Aunt Joani and Uncle Sam's to help them eat their leftovers from Maddie's big 4th birthday party over the weekend. She got all kinds of cool stuff! Maddie and I played with her new Polly Pocket while Aunt Joani tried to talk Camden into rolling over during tummy time. (No go...he's getting too fat, is our theory!)
We're going to throw another party--Bailey style--at the beach next weekend. Happy belated birthday, Maddie! :)
We made it to Church today and Camden slept through the entire service, so next time he'll graduate to the floor level (instead of the balcony, which allowed for a quick getaway). After Church, we went over to Aunt Joani and Uncle Sam's to help them eat their leftovers from Maddie's big 4th birthday party over the weekend. She got all kinds of cool stuff! Maddie and I played with her new Polly Pocket while Aunt Joani tried to talk Camden into rolling over during tummy time. (No go...he's getting too fat, is our theory!)
We're going to throw another party--Bailey style--at the beach next weekend. Happy belated birthday, Maddie! :)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Happy 4th!!

Marisa and Paul passed through Jax on Friday night and we got to hang out with them a little before making our way to Amelia Island. We joined the Kimble side of the family at a beach house there that Grandma and Grandpa rented for everyone to gather. Camden met a lot of new family members including Uncle Bill, Uncle Jason, Uncle Brian, Great Aunt Laura and her friend RL, and Great Uncle David. We had lots of fun hanging out at the relaxing house, playing on the beach, and eating Grandma's great food! Camden got to see his first fireworks (sort of....he wasn't really watching them!) and Grandma took him down to the water at the beach for the first time. (He didn't like it too much!). But in the early mornings, I would walk him along the beach before it got too hot and windy and I think he enjoyed listening to the sound of the waves.
Well, he's one lucky guy because in about a week from now, we'll be doing the same thing all over again, this time with the Baileys in St. Augustine. And Camden will have more fun relatives to meet...maybe we should make him some flash cards!
Betsy, thanks for letting me steal your pictures! Thanks again, Grandma and Grandpa for creating some wonderful memories! Love you.
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