This past weekend, Kevin had art therapy supervision in Tallahassee, so it gave Camden a good excuse to go hang out with his Nana and Gramps and Uncle Jon. It was his 1st trip to Nana's house and she made him very cozy! He also got to meet a few new Tally friends, like future mother-in-law, Beth (who looks adorable 33 weeks pregnant with Camden's betrothed, Olivia---she's due in Sept.); Mommy's old co-worker and friend Lisa and her sweet little boy, Jake; "Aunt" Heather and Great Aunt Karen & Uncle Richard. He also got to play around with his Great G-ma Jane (and got a little spit up on her, but she didn't mind at all!). Here is a few shots of Camden with Beth and Heather. We also took some pics of Cam in his Church outfit with the webcam.
He is such a cutie! I think I love the middle one the best. He looks like he is so grown up, saying "I am too big and too cool and too tough for this dressy outfit you put me in." You will have to add a post about how to access the webcam! Love ya~ S,J,M,J Ross
In the last picture he is saying, "just kidding, Mommy -- I look fabulous and I sure am one cute kiddo."
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