Today was a big day for Cam---his first day at La Petite! Mommy got a little watery-eyed when we dropped him off, but Camden looked like he was ready to play. I called around 10:30ish to see how he was doing. Ms. Dana said she was in the infant room with him and he was eating. I had to fight the temptation to ask her to put the phone up to his mouth. I didn't get to call again (rough day for me at work-a client threw up in the car I was driving-niiiiice). But when Mommy and Daddy returned at about 5:20, Ms. Patsy had Camden on the floor on a blankie with two other babies and he was all smiles and playful. They said he did great! They kept him on his schedule so he wasn't too fussy. He made two poopies and took 2 hour-long naps. The only thing is he's got a little bit of a sniffle and when we hung out there yesterday, Baby Tara was looking like she had a little cold (she had a runny nose). We hope he hasn't already caught his first cold. (KEEP GERMY TARA HOME!!). But the babies there are so sweet and cute, I think he's going to make friends in no time flat. There's even a lady (Shelly) from Baltimore that noticed his Orioles stuff and was excited about that. And, Gramps, 3 of the staff there are major Cardinals fans so they are ready to talk baseball with us (and thought it was funny that we named him after Camden Yards). So all in all, a pretty good day.
Camden will be going from Monday to Thursday. Daddy was able to adjust his schedule and get Fridays off to be with his little guy. But I think he's really going to like it there!
I'm so glad that Camden had a good day. I was thinking of you all! Becky - I cried the first week of going back. Don't worry about the cold - he wouldn't have gotten it that fast if it was from school (I think it takes 3-5 days). Kevin - I can't wait to hang out with you guys on Fridays!!! Love, Aunt Joani
Thanks Jaoni! The sniffles went away by the end of the day, guess it was a false alarm. :)
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