At about 1:30 this morning I heard Camden crying and went into his room to rub his back (which usually sends him back to sleep). But he had a bad cough that seemed to take his breath away and his breathing was really raspy. I woke up Daddy and he agreed, something was wrong. Aunt Betsy popped in too and was concerned (Uncle Jason and her are in town for the FL/GA game). She thought it might be croop.
We called our Dr's answering service and when the on call Dr. asked about his temp, I told her it was around 95. (Really the fact was that I was taking the temp wrong). Her exact words were: "that's the temp that babies have when they die." So naturally I completely freaked out and we decided we would go to the ER ASAP.
So, we frantically raced to Wolfsons and got there at about 2:15. Vital signs were completely normal (whew!) and after checking him in, we changed Camden into the cutest little backless hospital gown ever.
Then we waited...and waited...and waited. Meanwhile, Camden improved and did the weird cough thing only when he was laying down. He took about three 30 minute naps and was soooo sweet and good. We were put off to the very last priority and didn't see the Dr. until 7 am. But it was the Dr. coming onto the shift so he was fresh and energetic and very calming.
He said Camden most likely has croop, (Aunt Betsy was right!) which comes from changes in the weather. It's kinda like a cold but most babies get it around 12 months. He got a steroid shot, which the doc says should clear up the croop very quickly and it usually doesn't come back. We're very relieved and probably didn't need to go to the ER, but as amatuer parents, we would rather be safe than sorry. Right now, Daddy and Camden are catching up on their sleep.
Anyways, that's the whole story, in case Camden pops up positive for 'roids.
We called our Dr's answering service and when the on call Dr. asked about his temp, I told her it was around 95. (Really the fact was that I was taking the temp wrong). Her exact words were: "that's the temp that babies have when they die." So naturally I completely freaked out and we decided we would go to the ER ASAP.
So, we frantically raced to Wolfsons and got there at about 2:15. Vital signs were completely normal (whew!) and after checking him in, we changed Camden into the cutest little backless hospital gown ever.
Then we waited...and waited...and waited. Meanwhile, Camden improved and did the weird cough thing only when he was laying down. He took about three 30 minute naps and was soooo sweet and good. We were put off to the very last priority and didn't see the Dr. until 7 am. But it was the Dr. coming onto the shift so he was fresh and energetic and very calming.
He said Camden most likely has croop, (Aunt Betsy was right!) which comes from changes in the weather. It's kinda like a cold but most babies get it around 12 months. He got a steroid shot, which the doc says should clear up the croop very quickly and it usually doesn't come back. We're very relieved and probably didn't need to go to the ER, but as amatuer parents, we would rather be safe than sorry. Right now, Daddy and Camden are catching up on their sleep.
Anyways, that's the whole story, in case Camden pops up positive for 'roids.