Hey all, this week we bought a new computer and the blogging is back on! Camden's rashes/excema(?) have gotten a lot better. We are gooking him up all the time now, which he hates but it really does help. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!
We had a great time with Grandpa, Grandma and "Aint" Laura last weekend. We all went out to Casbah for hookahs and bellydancing and had a blast. Aunt Laura belted out "Get it girl!" when the dancer came out and Camden tipped her with a single that Daddy had put in his hand. That made her smile! He also took his first big tub bath last weekend. Grandma and Aunt Laura gave it to him and he loved it! Aunt Laura rolled up a towel which supported him and watched to make sure he didn't get a "snoot-full" of water (as she put it) up his nose! On Sunday we even had Uncle Jason and Aunt Betsy over to hang out before they went out to sell beads.
Here are some pics from the weekend...Camden is sporting the Clemson jersey that Aunt Laura bought for him. And Camden was hamming it up with Grandpa's hookah--not to worry, he didn't smoke!
Yea! We are so glad you are back online. We can't wait to get together with you guys again soon. We miss you! Love, SJM&J
Awwwww.... Makes me want to get back down there.... Camden needs me!!! (wink)...I love you all but the little guy has my attention.. I've fell in love with a short, bald, toothless guy...lol
Aunt Laura
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