It's hard to believe that Camden has been around for half a year, but true! He and Mommy went to the mall and we bought a few winter woolies for him for the cold months ahead. He had such a great day today, all smiles and cooing.
Home of our hero, SuperCam and his trusty sidekick, Luke
Our little fellow is sooo handsome. And, 6 months old now. Time is zooming by. Congratulations on the great job you guys are doing as parents.
Love, Grandma Mona
Look at how chubby & cute my lil' monkey is! He's perfect - I can't WAIT till I get to hold onto him next week! That is... if Grandma & Aunt Laura will be willing to share!
-Aunt Katie
Thanks for sharing the blog. It is great to see Camden. He is a cutie! I can not wait to meet him in person:) Take care-Treze
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