Well,the day finally arrived for Camden's MRI. Daddy could not get out of orientation (oh, by the way he's accepted a job as an art teacher--more on that later) so I was very lucky to have Aunt Joani come along and help. It was a long wait but the waiting room had a neat fish tank, fun toys and lots of cute kids all wearing cute little hospital gowns.
Camden did very well during the wait and got to play with Aunt Joani, take a ride in a cool car, and didn't fuss at all. We finally went back to the MRI room, and he got a little mad when they put on the heart monitor chest stickers (actually yanked one off!). But with a few whiffs of the gas, he was out like a light. The super-cool nurses were even able to get the rest of the labwork he needed to finish before starting the MRI so this made me and Joani very happy! The whole thing took about 45 minutes and it was hard to wake Camden up. He was in the middle of a sweeeet nap! And man, was he crabby when he finally did wake up. Aunt Joani drove us home while I tried to feed him, but he only screeched and hollered. When we got home, he gulped up a nice warm baba and we both had a long nap. Now he's as good as gold. We'll go to the neurologist in a few days for the results.
Thanks, Aunt JoJo for your help---you're AWESOME!! Thanks for letting me steal your pics too.
It was so great getting to hang out with you two today. Camden was such a big, brave boy! We love you guys and we'll pass along the pictures soon! Love, Joani
We're so glad everything went well, and you got the lab work done, too. A great big thank you to Joani for her good help. Love you all, Mom and Dad Kimble
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