Saturday morning, Camden and I met Aunt JoJo, Maddie and Jake at Chik-fil-a for a breakfast playdate. Later that afternoon, Camden got a visit from Ms. Patsy and Ms. Martino, from his former daycare, La Petite. He instantly recognized them and smiled huge! Camden showed off his new moves, got pushed in the swing, and basked in the attention from those 2 sweet ladies! We sure do miss them!
Then Saturday night Camden had his first ever Kareoke experience!! Yaaaay!!! I serenaded him (along with backup from "Aunt Heather") with Sweet Child of Mine and Camden was all smiles---it was really cute and he was certainly a tough act to follow. This afternoon, we were treated to an brief visit by Uncle Jason and Aunt Betsy...and Will! (Who is definitely getting bigger in Betsy's tummy!). I was even lucky enough to feel a little kick from my nephew. He's a little guy, but he packs a punch! I'm getting so excited!
That Camden is quite the charmer!... So glad his bud's got to brighten his day... talk about day-brightners was Betsyrose belly shot... She's getting big!...Little Wil may come into this world being a little bruiser!...lol... I'm so happy she's growing us a big, healthy baby boy... somebody to torment Camden...hehe
Betsy is looking so cute pregnant. That was so sweet of Camden's fans to go see him. He is a lucky kid to have so many folks that love him! Can't wait to see you all.
Love, Nana
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