Hey all! I know I've been slacking lately. Just been so crazy busy it seems! Camden got fitted for his ankle braces yesterday. They won't be ready until Feb 8th, when we'll return to test them out. When Camden is put in a standing position, his feet rotate inwards. These braces should hopefully prevent them from doing that and get him used to the feel of correct weight bearing.
And recently a "Pony Walker" was donated to Camden. His PT, Lisa, put him in one they had there and he took off! It was so exciting to see! They happened to have another one in their closet just gathering dust so they have loaned it out to us for as long as Cam needs it. We went last weekend with "Aunt" Heather to the mall (which had a good, flat service for walking) and all the kids were looking at it like they wanted one.
We had a rough patch for about a week when Camden was SUPER fussy. The Dr. gave him a reflux medicine that seems to be working.
Lisa is considering trying to get Camden acquainted with a "communication board". Baby Sign Language was, for a brief period, an option. But Camden doesn't seem to have enough control in his fingers just yet. The communication board would have pics of things he may want with buttons on it. He would just push the button corresponding to the pic to say what he wants. This would, by no means, be a substitute for learning to speak. But it may alleviate some of his frustration with not being able to tell us what he wants. He is able to push buttons, so we're going to try to meet him halfway.
Nana and Gramps miss you all. Can't wait to see Camden's pony walker. He is the best!
Love you all
Sounds like exciting things are happening. We are looking forward to photos. It's great Camden's in something that all the kids love!
Love you all, Mom Kimble
Communications board! What a NEAT idea! Heck, even *I* could use that one from time to time! We're so proud of our Camden!
Pops Kimble
Pony Walker! What kid wouldn't love one of those! Wheels at an early age! Can he point to it to ask to get in and go? He sure looks like he's enjoying it.
Gma Jane
Hey sweet Beckyann... Thanks so much for the update...Your two Roosters look good as well as the Hen house... How DO you keep that kitchen floor so white? lol... I hope Camden adjusts to his new braces and they do the trick to keep his feet positioned right... I loved the little hand print art on the fridge door... Kevin has never looked more handsome... Camden looks happy...Life is good on Bailey Ridge... Reckon Camdon would like a liddle sissy to play with??? He wanna sissy!!!... or a puppy!!!...I mean... everybody pee's on the floor at that age...lol... Love you kitten,
Hey Camden...That pony walker looks like so much fun!! You are getting so big..hope to see you soon :)
Love, Melanie, Ben, Ruthie and Parker
They were my special shoes. Momma said they would take me anywhere...
I'm sure Camden will feel the same way.
Always love checking out your blog. Thanks for the update.
Bill and Becka
I had to check out what everyone else thought about this, b/c I a crying I am so happy and proud of my shining star! Its so good to see these pics and to share in his accomplishments! He has never looked more mature! Tell Kevin he is not allowed to put a beer button on the speech machine! Love to you three! Betsy n Wil:):)
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