After a few fussy moments through roll to side sits, we had a rewarding break with some strawberries and cream. While on his break I had the pleasure of meeting an amazing family full of Camden's. That's right, all 3 boys(ages 1,3 and 4)have curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and angel like facial features, and they all have developmental delays. It was scary how closely they all resembled Camden, the therapists were even getting all of their names mixed up. Becky and I thought our geneticist was crazy when she told us the first day she met Camden that he definetly had a genetic disorder due to his blonde hair, blue eyes and baby face. This family was told the same thing with their children although it seems to be a mostly male trait. So who knew that being so good looking came at a cost, maybe it's just God's way of evening out the score.
After some more drills in the fun room it was time to try the monkey cage again. Camden was initialy hesitant but with the help of Ms. Beth, the music therapist, and her group, Camden did some of the most incredible gains to date. He began doing weight bearing drills by himself while trying to dance to the music. He was having trouble taking steps with the knee and leg straps of the suit, so when Ms. Tammy took them off, he literally flew. He was still attached to the cage from bungy cords suspended along the top and connected to his suit for balance, but this was the first time he has walked without a walker or someone holding his arms. Ms. Tammy teared up as we both sat in amazement of his progress from just yesterday. He sort of resembled an astronaut walking in space, which is fitting for the 40th anniversary of the first lunar space walk. He probably walked for around 10 minutes before tiring out. He was so proud of himself, smiling and laughing the whole time. He was rewarded with a nice 20 minute play session in the sensory rice box. Yes we have been collecting rice for the past 6 hours but it was well worth it and we are so proud of Camden's work.
Below is some video of him that I shot of the monkey moon walk. Today was a great day and best of all Mommy will be joining us for tomorrow's session. Thanks again for the prayers and support.
Go Camden!!!
CAMDEN...MOONWALKING!!! Amazing! Keep it up, lil buddy!
We're so glad Camden's days are better, and he's learning, and enjoying new skills. We're so hopeful...Make those steps, Camden.
Thanks to Mary and Jim for hosting the stay in Tallahassee, and trying to keep both boys' strength up (physical, as well as emotional). -- We're hoping to see Camden in action on the 6th. Sure hope Becky is wowed by what she sees tomorrow. LOVE, Grandma Mona and Grandpa Dan
Way to go Camden!! You are taking off and grooven to the music. Are prays are with you:).
GAM (Great Aunt Mary)
It's soooooo good to be home with my boys! I can't wait to wake CamCam up tomorrow morning and check out his new huge muscles! The therapists want me to drive seperately so if I need to leave I can. They don't want me interfering with his progress and I don't blame them! We'll see how he does with me in the room--I'll have to resist the urge to scoop him up and take off with him like a woman obsessed!
Thanks, Family Promise, for giving me some extra time to be with my little man. I feel whole again!
I think while I'm in town I'll give Kevin some time off from blogging and take over. I don't think it will be as entertaining, but Daddy needs a break!! :)
Phenomenal! His step pattern looked so effortless! I'm so happy for your little guy, that must be such a neat feeling for him.
Keep up the great work, Camden!! I can't wait to hear today's report. Alice and I are rooting for you!!!
Here come the waterworks! Now with "Molly Montana" as Camden's soundtrack we all will puddle up! I am just so proud! Straigten up, Camden and keep pushing yourself! We love you so! Aunt Betsy:)
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