Today was back to just Camden and Daddy. It was so nice having Becky here for the past 5 days, emotionally and physically, and I am glad that she had an opportunity to watch our big man in action. We can't wait for you to come back again this weekend.
Camden started the day with his normal routine and then continued working his quads and upper body. He still fights the roll to sit exercises but I caught him doing it by himself after therapy yesterday, even though he tried to deny it. I think where we are seeing the most progress right now is in his activities at home. He is really doing a great job of using both knees to move and is all over the place in his bed. We used to put him down at night and he would be in the same position in the morning, now he is either facing the different direction or sideways with his feet up on his siderail. Help. I think we have created a monster in the bed.
After his morning break, he practiced walking while holding on and pushing a cart, sorry for no pictures but he was too fussy. He then worked on knee crawling with Ms. Tammy and Ms. Amber's help. After Daddy was sent out due to fussiness, Camden worked on more rolling to sits. Right now the only way Camden will be able to sit up by himself is if he gets there by rolling over and then pushing up on his arms. He hates this exercise but it is so important and the reason Ms. Tammy makes him do so many reps. Camden did so much rolling today that nightclub Ravers everywhere will be jealous.
I spent a lot of time today in the waiting room due to bad behavior, mostly Daddy's, and I can not get over how friendly and supportive the other familes have been to Camden and I. Everyone is so hospitable and open to talking about their children and the difficult and rewarding aspects of having a child with special needs. Most of the kids come in and hug one another and the parents can't talk enough about how wonderful Ms. Tammy and the staff are for their kids. They have such a supportive special needs community here and it is something Becky and I feel we have been unable to find in Jacksonville. I had one parent ask if there was anything she and her family could do to make our stay in Tallahassee better and another parent who is talking to her child's communication therapist today about possible services for Camden in Jacksonville. All in all we are blessed to be here and so very thankful for all who have helped make it a reality. Check back tomorrow as Camden is attempting a few new drills in the cage.
Camden we love having you here. Nana has missed her Camden time since she has been sick. I did fix you a tuna sandwich for lunch which you are loving.
This is going to sound cheesy, but I feel like I left my heart in Tallahassee! I miss you guys so much already. I miss starting out the morning with his huge bright smile. And I'm so grateful to have you write these posts, not only to keep up w/ Camden's work but to get a taste of your wonderful sense of humor (another thing I'm missing right now!). Thanks so much for posting and for playing the single Dad this week! You're both being tested right now and are knocking everyone's socks off! Love you, Kevin!!
P.S. Nana, hope you get better soon--I'm praying for you too! ;)
Hi Cam, We just have to get one of those cage thingys in the back corner next to the ball pit. Maybe your mommy and daddy can help me with a proposal. Of course, you might never speak to me again, but I could risk that. I'm so proud of you. Keep on trying. Love and hugs, Miss Lisa
By the way, the 1st pic of Camden sitting up on his own w/ Ms Tammy so far away absolutely blew my mind!
Ms. Lisa--let us know what you need. We're definitely up for it! As you can tell, Kevin's got some writing skill! :)
We're still enjoying the posts, and so proud of Camden's new movements. And, we're so glad Camden has the loving mommy and daddy that he has. Ya'll are taking him so far. Love, Grandma Mona and Grandpa Dan
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