Today was off our normal routine a bit as we didn't start therapy until 1:30. I woke Camden up early this morning so that he would have plenty of time to take a nap and eat lunch before beginning his workout at Ms. Tammy's gym. It seemed like Camden liked the later start time because he was full of smiles and energy, Dad on the other hand was wiped out!
The big news from today was that he took 38 reciprocal steps in the therasuit with Ms. Tammy only holding his waist. I know this may not sound like a big deal since we have all seen Camden take his graceful Clydesdale marching steps, but the most he was able to do in the suit prior to today without a full fledged meltdown was between 15-20. The suit adds extra stress and resistance since he has tight bands running from his waist to his knees to his shoes. This means Camden has to work 5x's as hard, hence his hulkanian calves and quads and renewed confidence that he can do it!
Camden performed some new weight bearing and functional balance exercises with "Bert" and in the monkey cage. He loved working on "Bert" but was not such a fan of the balance form (see pictures above). Nana and Gramps Bailey came by to watch the last half-hour of therapy and came away very impressed with Ms. Tammy and with Camden's progress. It has been so nice being able to stay with my parents and I don't know what I would have done without their hospitality, emotional support, and never-ending assistance. I love you guys! Thanks again to everyone else for your prayers and support. Just 3 more days to go!
We look forward to seeing Camden in action tomorrow. We'll arrive between 9 and 10, hopefully. You definitely have a gift with words, Kevin. We've enjoyed the postings, and you've kept us well informed on Camden's progress. Thank you. Here's to more forward steps... Love, Grandma Mona and Grandpa Dan
I think Nana and Gramps are pretty swell too :) We have been so blessed to have unconditional love and support our entire lives. Camden never ceases to amaze me. His strength is something that we can all be inspired by!
-Aunt Ashley
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