Camden is healing up quite nicely and we've had 3 successful (one not so successful) nights of tube-feeding. The other night Camden somehow managed to take the attachment off and his bed got soaked w/ Pediasure. While I cleaned Camden up, Daddy threw the linens in the washer. For the rest of the night our little vanilla-scented guy got to sleep in the bed w/ us! He's also back at school and DLC and took the bus home for the first time today. He does his usual dramatic "DON'T LEAVE ME!" cry, but doesn't seem to be in any major pain. If we had to guess we'd say his pain level has dropped down to about a 4.
Here are some shots of our bellies, with a close-up of the tube area. Daddy and I got a peek at baby brother Luke today during the 32 week sonogram. I think he looks a lot like Camden did in my tummy. His face is towards the right of the picture and the fuzzy words on the image say "NOSE/LIPS". The Dr. estimates Luke to already be 5 lb 1 oz! He's going to be one big fella! Yikes!
Awesome pics of the 2 bellies! I totally expected his belly to look worse, but it looks fine! Looks to me as things are healing good. I don't know how you think Luke looks like Cam unless its just more obvious on the real sonogram. Luke seems to have no problems packing on the weight-he can show Cam his secrets soon! Love, Proud Aunt Betsy:)
I'm with Betsy -- can't tell that Luke looks like Camden! But he does look like a handsome little fellow. Glad you told me where his face was though -- I can never tell without a hint. Camden's belly looks like it is healing well. Did they go through his belly button?-it looked inflamed. Love you, your Mom
Such cute bellies!! Luke is definitely handsome! Now Isabelle can have a boyfriend, too!
WOW, that sounds like an adventure with the leaking button! Our laundry machine has been getting a lot of action lately :)
Great to hear that the feeds are going well, and it looks like Camden's button is healing nicely. What a relief!
Best to you all!
PS... Alice was in her walker today for the first time since surgery for almost a WHOLE HOUR! That is incredible, she did not have that kind of stamina before. And she loved it!!!! I bet you'll see a big boost in Camden's activity once he heals completely (we're 8 weeks out now...? maybe almost 9) Hooray!
Thanks for sharing the pics. I can't wait to get up there to fully view Camden's second belly button and (maybe?) see it in action. What can I say, I'm curious! Some big developments in the Bailey household, for sure! You all look as cute as can be! :)
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