So the ailment of the week this week is Roseola, a viral skin infection that gives you a rash all over your body. This popped up on Camden early Monday morning and seems to be getting worse by the hour. Since this picture was taken, the spots got darker, and the rash moved to almost every area--even his cute little hiny! The good thing is that it looks a lot worse than it is. Other than a fever and runny nose (contained by Motrin and Kleenex), it doesn't seem to be bothering CamCam too much. It is contagious, though, so tomorrow will be his 3rd day out of school. Once the rash is gone, the period of contagion is over. We're doing the best we can to keep little brother away.
Once all this is out of the way, Camden is going to have to have his 2 front teeth extracted. I know, I know...but he's got such a beautiful smile! Normally kids move up to flouride toothpaste around 3 years old. But since Camden can't swish and spit, we've been using the safe-to-swallow toothpaste, which didn't protect his teeth enough. Now we're brushing the flouride toothpaste, but are wiping it off afterwards w/ a wet paper towel.
So one tooth is dead and the other would have to have a root canal. His dentist recommended taking both of them out while he is under (going to the hospital for the procedure). It will most likely take place next week. Please continue to pray for our CamCam. That he'll be in minimum pain and that his next teeth don't take too long to come in (and we take care of them better!).
Poor little chief, it seems like bad luck is clouding his way. Hope things turn around soon.
Love, Grandma Mona
May 6, 2010
Camden, your job is to keep eating good, Mom and Dad your job is to keep those teeth clean and my job is to pray hard that those teeth come in early! His primary set came early, maybe his secondary teeth will too! We will love him with or without those little teeth. I guess we avoid a visit from the tooth beaver! Love, Aunt Betsy RDH :)
Kevin's cousin Becky here! When we moved to Houston, Holden got roseola. Luckily, he didn't pass it to any other kids.
Don't feel bad about Camden's teeth. Even if he swished and spit, he may have had teeth problems. My 1st and 3rd children (Theo and Noah)both had cavities and problems with their teeth between the ages of 2-5! Noah had to have multiple cavities filled at age 2. He had one tooth pulled at age 5. He is no longer afraid of the dentist, and his teeth are waaay better now. Theo also had cavities, all top 4 teeth. When he was 3 they put him under to cap and fix all 4 teeth. Personally, I blame a mixture of genetics and sippy cups! I only allow water in sippy cups now.
Love to your family!
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