Camden had an appointment with an assistive device rep. last week, and looked at communication boards. After fiddling with 3 choices, we've decided to give the "Say It Sam" model a trial run (going to try to borrow one from Hope Haven) and put the request in with insurance for one for Camden. It could take up to 6 months...(groan). But the hope is that this nifty little device will help Camden to communicate with us, while he's learning to speak. We certainly aren't giving up on speach goals, but the Say It "Cam" (we've already renamed it) will hopefully alleviate a lot of frustration once he learns to use it.
We are excited about this for Camden! Keep us posted.
Looks neat - can I have one?
- Katie
No you CAN NOT, Katie!!! This is for SPECIAL people! Not boring typical people like you (No offense)
Awesome news! My boss' son uses a Dynavox and loves it. It looks about the same as yours. He uses it especially on Wednesdays when he receives speech at home. At the end of the session, he calls for "MOM" on the Dynavox to let her know he is done with his work. Hope you have good success with this unit.
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