Today was the big day...we learned the sex of the baby: A BOY!
Right now Camden's little bro weighs about 11 oz. and most of that is sheer manhood! (See pic). Definitely a surprise to me, as I was convinced we were having a girl. By now the shock has worn off and I've still got a few months to get used to the idea of being severely outnumbered, as Kevin was so nice to point out! But having a boy will be good for Camden. He'll have a playmate and bodyguard. Little brother will be set for clothes and they may just be able to share a room in our tiny house!
Congratulations!!! Yay for boys!! I am so glad Camden will have a little brother to play with.
Congratulations to all of you!!! Great pics, too, wow! Hooray! Camden will be such a great big brother! Congrats!
We are so excited for you guys!! Brothers are so sweet :)
Melanie Ross
Yipee! Jake couldn't be happier!
Congratulations on your second baby boy! I think you're right that a brother will be great for Camden - and probably his favorite "therapy equipment" yet!
I sent you guys an email in response to your question about Therasuit. Again, please feel free to ask if you have any more questions. Take care.
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