We want to share with you something huge Camden is about to endeavor. It's called Intensive therapy, utilizing the Therasuit method. Therasuit is one of the things we learned about at the special needs conference we attended last month. It's designed for many types of disorders, but especially for kids with CP. After getting a strong recommendation from his PT Lisa, we looked in to making it happen for Camden.
What it involves is 4 hours of therapy, 5 days a week for 3 weeks straight. Camden will be wearing a suit designed to provide lots of biofeedback. (See pic of girl modeling, although Camden will not be smiling in it!). The sessions will start with stretches and heat massage. Then, he'll put the suit on. The therapists are specially trained to use the suit and encorporate OT and PT (maybe even Speech?) into the sessions. They will push Camden, but are trained to know the kids' limits. It is the equivalent of cramming about a year and 1/2 of therapy into this 3 week "session". Camden will not like it one bit! This will be the hardest he's ever had to work and he will be exhausted at the end of each day. The payoff? A lot of kids have learned to walk with it. All have gained better gait and muscle movement.
Aside from a huge physical commitment from Camden, there's also the time commitment and financial commitment. We're blessed that Kevin has the summer off and has the time for this project. They don't offer Therasuit therapy in Jax, but Kevin found a clinic in Tallahassee called Progressive Pediatrics. Since Nana and Gramps live in Tally, they're graciously going to host Kevin and CamCam while there. I need to stay behind to work, but will be joining them on the weekends, and hopefully maybe a Friday or two. Financially, this therapy costs several thousands. My mom and dad have amazingly agreed to pay for this because they are anxious to see the results. It's their hope that once the benefits of the program are visible with Camden, it will help us to raise funds for Camden's next session. Our hope is to have him do 2-3 of these sessions. Most kids are not able to walk without a few under their belts.
Why are we telling you about it?
Probably more than anything else right now, we need your prayers! Camden will be starting this therapy on Monday July 20th and it will end Friday August 7th. (Cue "Eye of the Tiger"). As I mentioned, Camden will be mentally and physically challenged in a way he's never experienced.
--Pray for his determination and that he won't become too frustrated to work.
--Pray that he won't lose too much weight. We're expecting him to probably drop a pound or 2 and that's a lot for Camden. Weight gain has always been an issue for him and he will have the feeding tube consultation once he's back in Jax.
--Pray for Kevin's energy, patience and sanity! It's tough flying solo with Camden, although we're encouraged that he'll have Gramps and Nana to help him out at night. And you all know what an amazing Daddy Kevin is. He is even planning on taking Camden to a friends' pool for aquatherapy while there (on his off time!). And be sure to check the blog after the 20th...Kevin hopes to update the blog regularly!
Down the road there may be other opportunities to get involved (financially!) but right now, Camden needs the backing of an army of prayer warriors behind him. So please think of him next time you're talking to the Great Physician! :)
Thanks all for your love and support.
(for anyone wanting more info & whose eyeballs haven't popped out reading all this!)
more details about the TheraSuit, taken from www.suittherapy.com:
TheraSuit, thanks to its construction and improvements creates a breathable soft dynamic orthotic. Its major goal is to improve and change proprioception (pressure from the joints, ligaments, muscles), reduce patient's pathological reflexes, restore physiological muscle synergies (proper patterns of movement) and load the entire body with weight (process similar to a reaction of our muscles to the gravitational forces acting up us for 24 hours). All of the above normalizes afferent vestibulo-proprioceptive input (information arriving to the vestibular system). The vestibular system is a very important center. It processes, integrates and sends back all the information that arrives from muscles, joints, tendons etc. It influences muscle tone, balance and the position of the body in space.
The more correct proprioception from the joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, joint's capsule etc., the more correct alignment. The vicious cycle can be interrupted and incorrect information is replaced by " new" correct information. A patient (child) diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and other neuro-motor disorders requires hundreds of repetitions of any particular movement. We believe that as individuals, we all have a "magic" number. For example: a baby that is trying to push-off the floor will need to repeat this movement a few hundred times in order to master it. Another one may need either more or less repetitions to learn the same skill. For the Cerebral Palsied child however, this fairly low "magic" number grows to a thousand or more repetitions to learn and master new skills. TheraSuit worn over a prolonged time will correct proprioception and accelerate the progress. Thanks to the TheraSuit and physical movement (therapy) the skills practiced will become more fluent and require less and less effort. Therefore, TheraSuit facilitates the development of new gross and fine motor skills like sitting, standing, walking.
Cerebral Palsy
Developmental delays
Traumatic Brain Injury
Post stroke (CVA)
Spasticity (increased muscle tone)
Hypotonia (low muscle tone)
hip subluxation greater than 50%
severe scoliosis
TheraSuit consists of :
knee pads
arm attachments - new - (available in 2009)
shoe attachments
All the mentioned above elements of the suit are
connected with each other through a system of
elastic bands.
Re-trains central nervous system
Restores ontogenic development
Provides external stabilization
Normalizes muscle tone
Aligns the body to as close to normal as possible
Provides dynamic correction
Normalizes (corrects) gait pattern
Provides tactile stimulation
Influences the vestibular system
Improves balance
Improves coordination
Decreases uncontrolled movements in ataxia and athetosis
Improves body and spatial awareness
Supports weak muscles
Provides resistance to strong muscles to further enhance strengthening
Improves speech production and its fluency through head control and trunk support
Promotes development of both fine and gross motor skills
Improves bone density
Helps to decrease contractures
Helps improve hip alignment through vertical loading over the hip joint
Melanie Ross
I'm praying for you guys, and I can't wait to hear about Camden's progress!
As for losing weight, Daniel usually has a pretty significant growth spurt during and/or after Therasuit. I thought it was just a coincidence, but his therapist said that the suit helps to elongate the spine, helping the kids grow. As he gained more strength and built up his muscles, he actually gained weight. It was a pleasant surprise, since Daniel is VERY slim and I sometimes worry about it.
Anyway, I'm confident that you'll be very happy with the results of the program. Good luck!
We are so excited to have Camden stay with us for his therapy. Thanks to everyone for their prayer support. It is felt and greatly appreciated.
Nana & Gramps
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