Today was a very special day as Grandma and Grandpa Kimble (Becky's parents) came by to see our big scooter in action. They arrived just after 9 and Camden was already suited up and ready to show off his stuff. The first drills he did for the crowd was his sit to stands and then concluded with some push ups on the bouncy pod. Mom and Dad Kimble were impressed with Camden's physical efforts and also noticed something about his mental efforts that I have forgotten to mention. They felt he has improved his comprehension and listening skills and were amazed at how as soon as Ms. Tammy would ask him to sit or bend his knees that he would complete the desired action. Ms. Tammy would also say things like "Camden, where should your hands be?" and he would immediately put them in the correct position(of course immediately for Camden comes with a few seconds delay, thanks FCC).
Mom and Pop Kimble did manage to hear a few screams for help during the walking drills, but were good about holding off their rescues. Grandpa did a wonderful job of helping to motivate Camden to keep going and was rewarded with a bunch of laughs and smiles. They had to eventually leave after a couple of hours but were able to see Camden standing against the wall by himself(see pictures). It just really makes you believe in what he is capable of once his brain gets the right message. I don't know how the Kimbles escaped without a trial run in the adult "terror"suit, but it was sure nice having them here today, thank you for everything. Camden may not like it now, but he will never forget the wonderful gift of love you gave him.
Camden ended his second to last day with some side roll to sits followed by some good ole lovin' from Dad. I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day but it will be nice to get back to our normal, boring, routine. The last sesssion should involve a final review to chart Camden's strengths and weaknesses. This will be followed by some much needed lessons for Mom and Dad to take back to Jacksonville. Thanks to all that our keeping this prayer train going. ONE MORE DAY LEFT!! GO CAMDEN, GO!
Yeah, Dad lucked out, not having to wear the suit! It was neat to read about their observation about him comprehending commands better. You're right, we were overlooking that one.
I'm so glad to be here again with my big boy. He's the hardest working kid I know and I'm overwhelmed with gratitude with how much God has given him through this ride. :)
Wow! Its amazing how far Camden has came! Its sad to be over, but I know great things will come of this! I am so proud of Camden, Becky, and Kevin and so grateful for such a good God! Can't wait to see the therapy continue in Jax! Love, Aunt Betsy:)
Amazing!!! We're so proud of all of you. It's been so nice being able to read about the whole process. Thanks Kevin for all the entertaining blogs!! Keep up the great work!! We love you guys!!
Bill, Becka, Wyatt and Ramona
Hey Camden, Its me Tammy, Hoping all is well. I just want to tell you how proud I am of you for graduating, and for keeping up the hard work. We love you all and miss you terribly. We are still working on the dream here and will see you soon. Much Love Tammy
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