Well Camden finally made it! 15 days, for 4 hours a day of "save me" smiles, bulldog lips, yummy snacks, babe watching, full blown tantrums, Trixie dogguarding, rice baths, moonwalking, sideways War Chant chops, wearing dorky hats, projectile vomiting, guitar serenades, and not to mention, intensive therapy in the Therasuit.
Becky was able to join us for the last session which was important because Ms. Tammy had a lot of exercises and stretches to teach us so that we could continue to work with Camden at home. Camden still had to work hard today but was rewarded by Ms. Tammy during his first break with a Handy Manny balloon and a graduation ice cream cake. He also had one final guitar picking lesson with Ms. Beth followed by some amazing french fry inspired walking steps with Ms. Val. We learned about some really cool and affordable therapeutic tools that we can use at Camden's home gym and have our fingers crossed that our insurance will help cover some larger therapeutic instruments.
Gramps came by for the final half hour to help celebrate Camden's graduation and it was a bittersweet ending. We are happy to return to our home in Jacksonville and get back to our friends and family and daily routines, but we are definitely going to miss the loving people and wonderful new friends they we have made at Progressive Pediatric. Later in the day, since it was graduation and all, Camden took his first trip to Westcott Fountain (an FSU tradition for new grads).
We weren't really sure what to expect when we embarked on this journey. Sure there was the hope in the back of our minds that Camden might be walking after 3 weeks-- What parent wouldn't want that wish for their child? What we did discover is something we worried might have been lost, and that is that Camden now believes he can do anything he puts his little mind to. Before this therapy session started it had seemed that Camden had resigned himself to the fact that some things were just out of his reach and maybe he was content with staying in one small area. Now he has rediscovered his neverending will and determination to be independent and do everything that all of the other kids are doing. Camden now has the muscle strength and correct motor patterns to match his heart and courage, now we just need to get his brain to answer the phone.
So you see Camden had his wings all along, he just needed flying lessons. These lessons would not have been possible were it not for Grandma and Grandpa Kimble's generous investment, Nana and Gramps Bailey's warm hospitality, and emotional and physical support, the tough love of Ms. Tammy and her staff, cool dips in the Rosenberg's pool, and the never-ending flow of thoughts and prayers from the Camden fan club(which is greatly expanded).
I didn't think it was possible for me to love Camden any more, but after witnessing his bravery and courage through tear-soaked cheeks, I find myself humbled by my little 2 and a half foot hero. We have to remind ourselves that all of these blessings were the work of God and the result of something we have been praying about for a very long time. We have a renewed awareness of the power of prayer and the vast grace, love and faithfulness of our God.
So stay tuned as his journey continues next week with vital-stim therapy and a feeding tube consultation. God has great things in store for our champ and is by no means finished with him yet! Thanks for being a part of the "climb."
It is a sad and tearful day for us as well. We are sure going to miss you all. We loved every minute of you being here and seeing first hand all of Camden's new ventures. We are so proud of him and know you will keep up so he keeps going on.
We are thankful for all the prayer covering.Love you all,Nana and Gramps.
1:40 Kevin, Becky and Camden just left Tallahassee heading home after a three week "VISIT" as Nana and Gramps tearfully waved goodbye.
Congrats on your graduation. We can't wait to see all your new moves in person!
It's Monday, August 10, and we just got to read your blog about Camden's graduation. We love the way you expressed the coming workouts with Camden, and the hope he doesn't forget the lessons he's learned about his possibilities. He will keep that hope alive with you.
We also loved the expressions of gratitude you gave to those involved in Camden's training. You had a good team, and his primary coach, Kevin, was a trooper for his dedication and self-sacrifice in caring for Camden's needs. We'll never forget what Kevin put into the weeks, and we're glad we could be a part of the adventure.
We love you,
Grandma Mona and Grandpa Dan
P.S. Brian's wedding was beautiful, and we enjoyed seeing and misbehaving with the White famiily.
I have to catch up on Camden's boot camp, but I just read this entry with tears in my eyes! I love that Camden found his inner warrior, and that prayer and love have allowed you all to see it. I am tremendously happy for you all, and so proud of Camden!
Can't wait to catch up on the last few weeks. You are such an amazing family and we feel blessed to "know" you!
The Don Forsythes
I am so proud of Camden! What an amazing kid! I can't wait to congratulate him in person next time I see you out in the neighborhood.
I keep wiping away tears! Camden has taught us and himself sooo much! Thank God for awesome grandparents! Becky, you are also so blessed with a husband like Kevin! I pray that this is just the beginning of all God has in store for my Camster! To God be the glory great things he has done through this blonde haired, hard working, short little smiley faced Camden! Aunt Betsy is beaming with pride!!
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