Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bear with us!

Sorry it's been a while since we've posted. It's been a busy few weeks! My birthday, Camden's first St. Patty's Day, Kevin's birthday, and work. We unfortunately lost our camera last weekend at the Landing, and it was almost the end of the roll of film. So we may be without pictures for a while until we get another camera. :(
Camden is still doing wonderful, but still kinda taking his time with the sitting up and crawling. Since he's almost a year and he can't do these 2 things, he's going to be evaluated on April 4th for physical therapy. We'll keep you posted!
Grandma made Camden a sweet little leperchaun hat and bib to wear on St. Patty's Day and he looked sooo cute! We made shepherd's pie (which Camden loved!) and stayed in to watch an Irish movie (Michael Collins). We'll put up a picture soon of Camden in his hat.

Monday, March 05, 2007

It's getting cold!

When it's cold outside, we've got to bundle the little guy up for stroller rides! (Daddy's trying to be a tough guy and go without a coat).

Time for another update...

The questions we're getting the most lately are: Is he trying to crawl? Has he said "Mama" or "Dada?"
Well, no---Camden is taking his sweet time about it! He babbles a lot (and I could swear I heard him say Abba the other day so I put on their greatest hits for him...who knew he was into Abba?). And when he's fussy he almost makes a Mmmmaaammmmaa sound. Then one time he said Ddddaaadaaa when Daddy wasn't around, but I think it was accidental. I rushed Kevin into the room, but of course it could not be repeated!
Camden's still working on sitting up on his own. We give him a little help and he can sit for about 15-30 seconds before falling over. But we work on it all the time. Sometimes when he's on his belly, he'll stick his butt up in the air but that's as close as the crawling attempt gets. The dr. said we should put a toy in front of him and get him to try to slither to it, but it just pisses him off!
Maybe it's my own issues, but I'm not too concerned about all this. I want him to stay little as long as possible! Sigh...
Meanwhile the teeth keep coming in like crazy. He's got another one on the top right, with a little bump coming in in the back. So that's 7 now. And his hair is getting thicker too. It's just really light so he looks bald still. We're doing the best we can to enjoy him while he's a baby, before he becomes a toddler...but think he's going to make a pretty cool toddler too.

New gadgets and toys

Recently Nana bought Camden an Exersaucer thingie and we got him a Bumbo chair...all to help him learn to steady himself. He loves hanging out and playing in them. He also loved the balloon we got him for Valentines Day. But for all the cool stuff he's gotten, the 2 most entertaining toys in Camden's collection are a clothes hanger and an empty pretzel bag! Hey, he's easy to please!