Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nesting in Progress!

Sorry no recent pics...We are in full nesting mode. We're trying to print out all the pics in our camera before it is loaded down w/ new baby pics! Our final sonogram was yesterday. It wasn't that great of a picture--Camden seemed to like getting his picture made a lot more than Luke does. Afterwards, Kevin had the chance to meet Dr. Barnes (who is a real character--told probably the corniest OB joke I've ever heard--you'd like him, Dad!). Dr. Barnes comes into the exam room, announcing "8 lbs 2 oz." I ask him surely he means this is the expected birthweight. "No," he said, "that's what he weighs right now." I thought it as good a time as any to discuss the birth plan with him, and let him know that I'm not against an epidural! We told him we have the cord blood kit we'll be bringing and signed the form for the circumcision. After he examined me, Barnes said I'm a good 2 cm. He definitely doesn't think I'll make it to the due date. Today, we've arranged care for Camden and Kevin and I are going to clean, organize and move stuff around to make room in this 2 BR house for another person. I'd better wrap this up and get back to the cleaning.