Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Our little turkey just loved his first Thanksgiving! There were many firsts...first trip to Grandma's in Tryon NC, first turkey, first major road trip. Camden was an angel for both drives. The way up he slept most of the way and quietly nukked on his pacie the way back.

Grandma had a crib at the base of our bed all ready for her little man. (Incidentally this was Aunt Katie's crib and Mom's been itching to get a youngin' in it again!) Almost everyone was there: Aunt Katie, Uncle Brian, Uncle Bill and his new girlfriend Becca, Grandma, Grandpa and crazy Aunt Laura. We feasted on a fabulous dinner of turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, mac & cheese, salad and wedding soup. And Cam ate sweet potatoes and turkey (catered by Beechnut). He liked it! He was a little fussy the first day--we think he was sick.

Things cleared up by Friday, though, and Camden joined a few of us shoppers as Grandpa treated us to lunch at Fuddruckers. By Saturday, Cam had lost his cold and passed it on to Mommy. So we stayed home with Daddy to watch the FSU/UF game. Our Noles didn't win but they played much better than we expected them too. It's nice to have a baby you can play with after the game to take your mind off it! That night Grandma babysat and we all went out to see a Christmas play. She gave him a bath and then was crazy enough to volunteer to keep him through the night while Daddy and Mommy caught up on our sleeping. She did great with him.

We left Sundy morning and pulled in around 6:30 pm. And we're still doing laundry! Mommy's feeling better, but Daddy is now sick--it's his turn. But we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We tried feeding our sweet pea just that tonight--sweet peas. It was rejected. We may have actually found something Camden doesn't like! We'll give it another shot again sometime.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

New Orleans

There was an art therapy conference in New Orleans this past week and Kevin was invited to give a presentation on sickle cell disease and a theraputic game he had created at FSU. So it gave us a good excuse to get back to the city we've been anxious to see since Katrina. Kevin's parents bravely volunteered to keep Camden Thursday and Friday and he had a great time bonding with them. Gramps took care of Camden during the day, and Nana took over when she got home from work.
Kevin gave a great presentation and we had a good time in New Orleans but had to leave early because I got sick (food poisoning, I think). We only stayed for one night out of the 2, but it was a gorgeous bed and breakfast and the innkeeper and staff gave us an excellent discout and pampered us (had a bottle of champagne brought to our room). He says he just feels blessed to still be in business. The city is looking better and better, but has a ways to go.
Kevin went to the FSU game on Saturday and Camden and me stayed home and recovered. He's not feeling so good this weekend either--got a bad cough and congestion. On Sunday we visited with Grandma Jane, Aunt Karen and Uncle Richard and were treated to lunch.
So it was our first time away from Camden and we survived!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy 6 months, Camden!!

It's hard to believe that Camden has been around for half a year, but true! He and Mommy went to the mall and we bought a few winter woolies for him for the cold months ahead. He had such a great day today, all smiles and cooing.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Sweet Tooth

Camden has been building his repertoire of foods. So far he's had bananas, pears, squash, carrots and Twizzlers. What, Twizzlers??? Yes, you all know how Kevin is addicted to Twizzlers. Well he's trying to get Camden hooked on them too. Sheesh.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Squashed the squash!

So today we gave Camden squash and he gobbled all of that up too! This time, he even opened his mouth on his own (as if to say, "I'm ready for another bite!") and lunged into the spoon--it was great! Man, he likes to eat!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bananas for bananas

On Friday, Daddy and Camden met up with Aunt Joani and cousins Maddie and Jake at the Landing for lunch. It was his first time there! Then on Saturday, we met up with them again at a sports bar to watch the Noles and Gators play. Before the game started, we tried to feed Camden some bananas. He didn't take to it so well, but after the game we tried again and he ate the whole little container!! Apparently Camden likes bananas! So guess we're going to keep trying with the solids (along with the breastmilk and formula).
Camden's also getting another tooth, right next to the other one. They're so cute!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1st Halloween

Last night we took Camden trick-0r-treating with his cousin Maddie and then came back to our neighborhood to show him off to our neighbors and friends. He was, of course, a hit! Daddy was the man in the yellow hat and Camden was Curious George.

Here's a few pics. Maddie dressed up as a beautiful Hello Kitty Princess and I was a hippie.

(Thanks for the pic, Joani!)