Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bananas for bananas

On Friday, Daddy and Camden met up with Aunt Joani and cousins Maddie and Jake at the Landing for lunch. It was his first time there! Then on Saturday, we met up with them again at a sports bar to watch the Noles and Gators play. Before the game started, we tried to feed Camden some bananas. He didn't take to it so well, but after the game we tried again and he ate the whole little container!! Apparently Camden likes bananas! So guess we're going to keep trying with the solids (along with the breastmilk and formula).
Camden's also getting another tooth, right next to the other one. They're so cute!


Anonymous said...

Nana is so glad that you like bananas... but I know you like the NOLES best!
Love you, NANA & GRAMPS

Anonymous said...

Of course! What else could a little monkey eat but bananas? Thanks for raising my little monkey right - and keeping us up to date! He's such a beautiful *ahem* HANDSOME little monkey!

And GREAT job on the costumes, guys! Amazing!
