Thursday, August 31, 2006

Camden's big weekend

On Saturday, Camden went out to the Carlton family reunion (Grandma's side of the family) and was passed from relative to relative. As you can tell, he was thrilled to meet his Great Grandpa Hoyt! The Carltons of course were crazy about him, but not half as nutty as his Grandma and Aunt Laura, who gave him a bath to help out his heat rash before leaving Perry.

On Sunday, Camden was baptised, wearing the Christening gown Grandma lovingly made for him. He looked sweet and adorable, but true to his nature was a little rebel up at the alter. He made spit bubbles, cried and batted the preacher away--He had the whole sanctuary laughing! He got a little more fussy during the rest of the service so Aunt Katie hung out with him and Cousin Jake in the nursery. (Cousin Jake shared his pacy with Camden---isn't he sweet??)

Afterwards the whole crew (Gramps and Nana, Aunt Ash, Uncle Jon, Uncle Sam and Aunt Joani, cousins Maddie and Jake, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Betsy and Uncle Jason and Aunt Katie) went out the Row, where I used to work, for Sunday brunch. Camden didn't stay in his christening gown that long and as you can see, was happy to get back into a onesie. My old coworkers went crazy over Camden and the food was great. But the best part was having everyone there. We munched on Grandma's boiled peanuts afterwards before everyone left. It was a wonderful weekend and we're tuckered out!

Bailey Birthdays!!

Happy Birthday to you...and you...and you...and you!

Happy Birthday to Ashley, who turned 22 on August 24th, Dad2 whose birthday was August 30th, Joani's is tomorrow on the 1st and Mom2's is Sept 6. (After 30, we don't disclose ages!) The whole clan is coming into town this weekend to celebrate. Happy Birthday you guys!! We love you so much!!!! Y

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My "Womb-mate"

Betsy sent me a cute picture Jason took of her recently. (And if she's cute, that means I am too since she's my twin, right?) Betsy, I hope you appreciate the Gator colors that match your trucker hat! Kevin will not approve.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

4 Years

I guess we've been so wrapped up in Camden lately that both of us forgot that today was our 4-year wedding anniversary. In fact, if Kevin's mom hadn't called us around midday, it would have gone completely by us! I picked up some champagne, which we sipped while watching a video and we treated ourselves to new jersey sheets (the traditional 4 year gift is linen and our sheets have holes in them anyways!). We're both pretty blessed to have each other and grow more in love with each other every year.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Week 2: Paternity Leave

Well, Kevin is feeling about the same, but seems to be learning to handle his back pain and care for Camden at the same time. Now that he's got him on a feeding and sleeping schedule, he says it's a lot easier for him. I am still stopping by as much as I can to check on them but am a lot less anxious about it, because everytime I do, they seem to be doing just fine. We had a relaxing weekend and just stayed at home. Mommy and Camden went to Church on Sunday and Camden got called a girl for the first time--twice! (COME ON PEOPLE! Don't you see the baby blue and sailboat on his overalls??). Anways, we're doing pretty good but please keep Kevin and (Camden's manly pride) in your prayers! :)

Cousin Jake is walking!!

Okay, so this may not exactly be hot off the presses, but Camden wants to give a blog shout-out to his cousin Jake, who is now walking! It was cool to see it in person the other day when Aunt Joani, Maddie and Jake came to play. Maddie also showed off her monkey face---she's so funny!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Role Reversal!

Wow! What a week it's been! After a awesome weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, Mommy started work again on Monday and left Daddy at home with Camden. My coworkers are being super-cool about easing me back into work and very understanding about me pumping breastmilk at the office and coming home to feed Camden at lunchtime. Everything was going great, until Kevin blew out his back, in the same place he injured it a few months ago. Now he's having severe pains again, and is having a lot of difficulty doing things like picking Camden up and bouncing him, etc. Fortunately my coworkers have been very flexible and gave me a light schedule on Monday and I was able to refill a Rx for Kevin and check on him every 2 hours. We've also had a lot of family members come to the rescue. Gramps got out of work and drove over to be with Kevin on Tuesday and Joani brought over the kids today to hang out and help. Grandpa even offered to come down from North Carolina to pitch in---Thank God for family!
Kevin's Dr. is recommending physical therapy and Kevin's going to look into what his insurance will cover to see if he wants to go through with it. To his credit, Kevin has put Camden on a schedule for sleeping and eating, and Camden is sticking to it to the tee! I couldn't be prouder of both of them. We'll keep you posted on what Kevin will do about his back.
Here are some pictures taken from Grandpa's camera. He got some cute ones and was there to capture the "changing of the guard."
P.S. Grandma and Grandpa--thanks again for the phone and for letting us have a "date night" on Friday! It was so nice!!!