Friday, February 12, 2010

Not so sleeping Beauty

Hope you are enjoying our new picture and blog name. The pictures were professionally done by a photographer friend of my good buddy Heather's. Shortly after the earthquake in Haiti, he offered free 15 minute sittings in the park in exchange for a donation to Unicef. It was a win-win! Here are some more pics from that session.
Also, Camden had a "sleep" EEG on Wednesday. The goal was to get him to fall asleep while studying his brain waves for signs of any possible seizures. Camden was a very good and still boy for most of it. It was a little scary at first because he had to be restrained which he didn't like one bit. His arms were down by his side and they wrapped him up tightly with a sheet like a newborn. Between that and the Ace bandage wrapped around the electrodes, he looked like a mummy! After he got used to it he stopped crying and settled down. The room was actually very calming...dark, with a nice sound machine playing cricket noises. The whole thing took 30 minutes. Aside from the strobe light test (she put a strobe light about 2 inches from his eyes--it made him giggle!) all Camden really did was lay there and grunt occasionally. I did my best to sing and soothe him but he never went down for a nap! Finally the nice lady giving the test asked me to hold his eyelids shut so she could monitor that change. We'll get the results next week from the Neuro.
P.S. Luke was weighed today...a whopping 17 lbs!