Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dancin' Man

Well, Valentines Day is over (thank God!). I delivered flowers for a little extra spending money. It was a lot of fun, but I'm not sure I'll do it again next year. The best part of my day was when I got to spend an hour with "my date" at the Valentines dance (at Camden's daycare). There was nothing cuter than to see a dozen plus little cuties (a sweet little mixture of special needs kids and typical kids) all dancing around together to the Electric Slide, The Locomotion, and the Macerena! The timing was a little off for was at 10:00 am, when Camden starts winding down for his nap so he comes across as a little fussy in the pics. Plus, he's starting to reach that wonderful attachment-anxiety phase, which made it difficult for anyone to cut in and dance with him. But when we came into the room with the music on and the other kids were jumping and dancing, Camden instantly started giggling and was super-excited! He did the YMCA with his buddy John (one of my favorite kids there, he has mild down syndrome). It was hilarious! Didn't get pics of that because I was too busy posing Camden in the
Y-M-C-A moves.
So watch out! Camden's got mad skills on the dance floor!

Monday, February 11, 2008

And After!

"Whew! I can move a lot faster now!"

Hair Raising Pics: Before...

Two weekends ago, Camden got his first haircut! It was time to shed those baby curls (which made Mommy kinda sad) but he was very brave. Actually, we snuck the haircut in while he was standing in his Pony Walker on Aunt Joani's porch, and he didn't have a clue! Of course Mommy saved those sweet curls for the baby book. :)
Thanks for the pics, Aunt JoJo!