Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend at Nana's

This past weekend, Camden went over to Nana's house in Tallahassee. Kevin's birthday was the 23rd (he's now 35--man is he old!!) and we were delighted to learn that the entire Bailey clan came into town to help celebrate. There was Aunt Ash, Uncle Jon, Gramps, Nana, Aunt Joani, Uncle Sam and of course, Camden's super-cool cousins Maddie and Jake. Even Ashley's main squeeze, Bob came over. We had fun bouncing on the trampoline, visiting with Camden's lady-Olivia and Beth, going to the FSU baseball game and hanging out with the fam. Camden ate his first Cheerios! And Nana bought a huge, fluffy duck for the kids (which Maddie has affectionately named Fudgcicle...don't ask us why!)


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Camden and Jake in the bleachers. Beautiful boys... and what a difference a year makes now! The difference will be less and less as the years roll by.
Mom Kimble

Anonymous said...

We had so much fun with you guys! Love ya, Sam, Joani, Maddie & Jake