Thursday, June 28, 2007

He blinded me with neuroscience

We were able to get a sooner neuro eval, and had it done yesterday with Southeastern Neurology Institute. (Instead of waiting til 9/11 for Nemours). Dr Leon-Barth did a few tests on Camden (same kind of stuff the PT tested on him) and recommends he continue with PT (which will soon be bumped up to twice a week). He also made an appt. with Wolfson's for an MRI for July 31st, to rule out anything neuro going on. Camden will have to do a fasting lab before hand and will also have to fast the day of the MRI. Not eating will most likely be the hardest part for Camden. He will go under anesthesia so he's not so squirmy. Pray for us and we'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

We are praying for that little guy!!! Keep us posted!!
Love, Melanie