Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Therapy Update

Hey all, a lot of you have been asking about how Camden's therapy is going so let me fill you in. Lately Lisa, the PT has been working with his bench (Grandpa made him a really cool one to use at home): at first getting him to kneel at the bench, with his feet under his butt and play with the toys on the bench. Then she would have us hold a toy out in front of the bench and get him to reach up for the toy and come up on his knees. Today, she took everything he's been working on and did some cool stuff. Lisa had him on a kind of bench with wheels on it (his elbows) and Camden started off kneeling. She then manipulated his knees and legs to put them in a crawling pattern, while I dangled the toy in front and got him to move on his rolling bench forward to me.

Lisa then explained to me that Camden's next moves will be "bunny hops". When he steadies himself on his hands with his knees bent and feet under his butt, he'll just do little hops to get to where he needs to go. Lisa said it's going to be very cute, and very exciting! She's been right about everything else so far, so we're pretty stoked about it.

Basically, therapy is going well. We finally got him up to 2 PT sessions a week and we're waiting on Lisa to draw up the plan to ask for OT and Speech. Lisa reports that Camden has been right in line with accomplishing all the small tasks she wants him to and is very proud of his progress. She has also learned Camden's tricks: how he leans against you, looks up and gives an angelic smile (to get out of work). When he does this to Lisa, she just kisses his head, says "Hey. Yes, you're sweet. But that's not gonna work." And puts him right back on task--She's wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NaNa and Gramps are sooooo proud of Camden. He is working very hard on his therapy. We had so much fun with you all at the beach and can't wait to see you again at the NOLES game!
Love you!