Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Changing diapers...and day cares

As of November 1st, Camden will be switching day cares to Developmental Learning Center (DLC) Nurse and Learn. It's a super-cool place that offers PT, OT and Speech on site. It will be closer than Orange Park, so we'll save on gas (it's literally within walking distance) and the tuition is actually cheaper too. The therapies will be paid for by the early intervention program, but Camden will continue to see his PT Lisa at least once a week.
Here's their website if you're curious:
We are very excited for Camden. But also a little sad to be leaving La Petite. But this is what he needs and we think he'll really like it there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are excited too. Sounds like an answer to prayer for Camden and you all. It is closer and has everything he needs. We can't wait to see his new school.
Love you all,