Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Leftovers

We are still loosening our belts (or diaper flaps) from all that good food we had over Thanksgiving! We were very thankful to have ALL of Kevin's family in Jax for the feast and Aunt JoJo was a perfect hostess. Gramps said a nice prayer, then asked us all to go around and thank God for something we were grateful for. (Cousin Jake mentioned his bike!)
Some of us did a little shopping on Black Friday, but no door-busting going on. The big event that day was going to get Christmas trees!! (will post pic of tree later) Later that night Kevin, Camden and I went out to the Landing for the tree-lighting celebration. It was pretty crazy down there, but we got some good pics out of it.
Saturday came the game (that shall remain nameless) and Daddy and Uncle Jon and Aunt Ash went out to Gainesville while the rest of us piggies stayed home. We had fun lamenting and whining with each other about the changes FSU needs to make in the program. Sigh...standard stuff.
Aunt Joani baked some fabulous quiches for breakfast Sunday morning and we did some more chilling with the fam. All in all, a pretty darn good holiday, I'd say. Now we're ready for Santa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had so much fun with you guys! What a great Thanksgiving. Love ya, SJM&J