Sunday, August 03, 2008

Summer Fun

Hey all...know it's been a while since I've blogged. The recent "changes" kinda kicked the wind out of my sails. Hope you haven't given up on us! Here's some pics from last weekend when we got bored and blew up the pool for Camden to cool off in.
This past weekend we went to Tally to visit Nana and Gramps, catch up with Beth, David and Camden's Tallahassee Lassie Olivia, as well as Aunt Heather. I also "helped" Aunt Betsy throw a baby shower in Crawfordville (Camden just came for the food). But I was a bad mommy and didn't bring my camera. :)

As for Camden, he's really wanting to talk and is experimenting with more sounds every day. His PT is concerned about his weight and says if he doesn't start putting more on, he may have to have feeding tubes. But we haven't heard this from his nutritionist or GI yet, so I'm not going to worry about it. We're just going to stuff his face as much as we can!


Anonymous said...

Most adorable... Made me want to suit-up and join the fun!... Camden looks good... and his daddy aint half bad Love to all... Ant Lar

Joani said...

FUN! Come over and swim with us soon! Love, Maddie & Jakester

Betsy said...

I really liked the pacy in the water pic! He just gets more gorgeous by the day! Love, Aunt Betsy:)