Monday, December 15, 2008

In Your Wildest Genes

Last week Camden had his first appointment with the geneticist at Nemours. She did a thorough family health history eval, asked a million different questions about my pregnancy, Camden's delivery and birth, development and everything in between. She's going to order a battery of tests to try to find out exactly what is going on with Camden, feeling that cerebral palsy is a loose term which is overly used. He got blood tests the same day and we dropped off a urine sample. His MRI is scheduled for 12/26, the day after Christmas. He'll meet with the pediatric cardiologist on 12/19. HOpefully when all this is done, we may get some answers and more insight into Camden's world. Team Camden is getting bigger and bigger!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful for that geneticist and her wanting to be so thorough. Camden deserves all he can get with health help.