Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wednesday the 13th - Day 13

I must admit that I am a very superstitious person. I have specific routines I carry out on FSU gamedays,from where to sit on the couch, to what direction the beer label should face the TV, all the way down to what lucky boxers to wear, each changing with a loss or staying exactly the same with a win. For the Orioles I have to wear my hat at a certain angle and I have to avoid all beer made from New York during baseball season and all beer made from Pennsylvania during football season (Boo Steelers!), and of course all orange and blue M&M's are discarded from the pack. Thanks to 12 straight losing seasons by the Orioles and mediocre play by FSU football, I have been able to break myself of some of these crazy superstitions, not to mention save money from not having to continually buy new lucky shirts or remotes.

One thing I am still a little superstitious about is the number 13, so it came as no suprise to me when I went to write today's entry that it was Camden's 13th day. Besides him not wanting to eat his favorite cereal, the day started out well enough and he appeared in good spirits. Once we arrived at the clinic he just seemed to lack any energy and was fighting poor Ms. Tammy on everything. I missed a lot of the late morning session due to a wonderful lunch meeting(more details in a later post after Camden's therapy is over). When I arrived back to pick Camden up he was crying in Ms. Tammy's arms and had that same tired look from Day 2.

Ms. Tammy said that he might of been sore from all his walking yesterday but that he did do some positive reciprocal crawling in the frog swing. The time change might have also effected him since he normally gets a 20 hour break between sessions but only had a 16 hour break today due to yesterday's later start time. I would like to think that he is just saving up his energy and strong work ethic for when Grandma and Grandpa Kimble come by to watch tomorrow's session. They are Camden's primary investors for the suit therapy, besides being his loving grandparents, and we are so exctied for them to come see SuperCam in action. Thanks again for everyone who is praying and cheering Camden on, only 2 more days to go until graduation!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

13 is a bad number but Camden is our good luck charm! 2 more days, Camster, make 'em count! Here we go, Camden, Here we go!! (Clap,Clap!) Aunt Betsy loves you!