Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tube Talk

Camden now has 2 bellybuttons!! Mommy is home now to shower and get ready to spend the night with Camden in the hospital. Things went pretty good. The first thing they did when we got to the hospital was get him in the supercute gown. We left his braces on so he could walk around a while in his walker to kill the time and distract him from the fact that he hadn't had breakfast! At 10:45, he was brought in for the anesthesia and after I started singing "YOu are my sunshine" to him, the anesthesiologist and a few techs joined in so he was serenaded. He was out in about 20 seconds. After about a 2 hour wait, we were finally able to join Camden in the recovery room but it would be another 3.5 hours until he was moved into his room in the main hospital. Thank God for pain meds! He started w/ Motrin, then 2 doses of Morphine and finally some Loritab. If he stays still he doesn't seem to be in a ton of pain. But when his legs get restless and he moves them, it brings pain to his abdominal area, where the new G-tube is. The tube itself looks pretty good--not draining too much but the clamps will have to stay on for a few days. When I left, Camden had finally passed out and was in such a deep sleep he laughed a few times (Daddy thinks he's dreaming of him--I think he was seeing me in the silly "bunny suit" I had to wear in the OR). He is still NPO for now, but may be able to start w/ clear liquids tomorrow and move up to solid foods. Tube feedings will also start tomorrow. Pediasure is what they'll use for that.

Anyways, just wanted to update all of you, especially you who have had him on your mind today and have sent up prayers. Don't have time and didn't bring the camera home to post pics. Look for stoned Camden pics later in a seperate post! Love you all. :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for letting us know. Sure are thinking of Camden and you all.
Sure missing being there.
Love you, NANA

stitchinpenny said...

So glad it went well, hopefully he will gain weight like the doctors want.

Bill and Becka Kimble said...

Glad to hear everything went well. We've been praying for you guys. Keep us updated. Love you Camden!!

Anonymous said...

So glad it went well!!! Thanks for the updates, and we hope that all continues to go well! Can't wait for the stoned Camden pics :)


Bill and Becka Kimble said...

Glad to hear everything went well. We've been praying for you guys. Keep us updated. Love you Camden!!

Betsy said...

Our Heavenly Daddy will never throw us more than we can handle! He has been holding us you all up all summer and revealing to all of us observers how strong He is making Camden and his parents! I wish I could have been there to hold Camden when he cried. Wish I could have made him smile. I love that boy. I look forward to the day when my kids can read about all of these accomplishments and understand what a champion they have for a cousin. Please plant a big wet kiss on his cheek for Aunt Betsy:) I'm so sorry, Becky! I love ya'll-forgive me for being out of touch! Camden is my sunshine too! Love, Aunt Betsy:)

Camzmommy said...

Camden has a big wet sloppy one on his cheek now, compliments of his sweet Aunt Betsy. :) Love you