Friday, November 20, 2009

One little (sick) Indian boy

Yesterday parents were invited to Camden's school for their annual Thanksgiving feast. I was feeling adventurous so I drove to his school w/ my baby Bjorn wrapped around me (Luke, not to worry, was in his car seat). But before I got there, Kevin called to say Ms. Campbell called. Camden had a low-grade fever and was very fussy. So I just took him home, and prayed that both boys would miraculously take a nap during the same time, so maybe Mommy could get a nap in too. Luke cooperated, and gave us a 3 hour nap, which gave me time to spend one-on-one with Ferris Bueler, who never went down for a nap, even after a dose of Motrin.
I went without a nap, a shower and lunch, but managed to care for both of the boys until Daddy came home. I still don't know if Camden understands breastfeeding. He just looks over and sees Luke chilling on my lap and assumes we're just relaxing. That's when he gets a little whiny and I have to explain that Luke is eating.
Camden is back at school today. So I missed out on having lunch with the pilgrims and Indians, but at least Camden took home his little feather hat to show Nana and Gramps when they come into town next week! I'll add a pic to this post later.


Karen Feagins said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy the lunch, but props to you on taking care of both boys. It's really tough with two!

Anonymous said...

Just caught up on your blog and was so sorry to hear that Camden missed his Thanksgiving feast. Take each day as it comes, Darlings. And give yourself an extra half hour to get where you're going!! Love you, Mom

November 22, 2009