Sunday, September 21, 2008

Getting through it

Hey all...
It was a bit of a tough weekend for us around here as Camden's back molars came in and made him absolutely miserable! On top of that, I had some complications Thursday afternoon (relating to the miscarriage in July) and landed in the ER, and was then admitted to St. Vincents for surgery on Friday. But the cool thing about all this is how family, friends and coworkers came through for our family. And how you could almost feel the prayers around you.
Not only was the surgery successful, but I got to go home on Friday! Mom and Dad and Betsy and her boys came into town to help out. Heather was my ride to the ER (and my comic relief as we endured the long wait!). Chris and her, along with Aunt JoJo watched Camden through the weekend so Kevin could be with me at the hospital. Mindy arranged coverage for me while I'm out of work and my pastor came by to pray with me. Mommy made us all lots of yummy food (full of iron!) and Dad was super supportive. Joani brought over dinner on Friday night and warmly hosted us all over at her house for the football games.
I'm still overwhelmed with how much support and love we received. Thanks to all for your prayers, thoughts and love in action. God truly is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are just so glad that you are okay. You have a wonderful support system and we are so thankful.
Love you, Nana & Gramps