Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Baileys Get Political

Normally we don't like to get too political. But this year's election is so important. If you are curious about who we're voting for, and why, take a minute to read this, written by Kevin:

If you are a little unsure or on the fence then would you please consider taking a look at each candidates proposal for citizens with disabilities?

Obama has proposed 10 billion a year to early intervention and developmental programs for children ages 0-5. This would mean that Camden could get services through early steps for an additional two years. Right now he can only receive funding from Early steps until he is 3. After this he must be enrolled in the public school system to receive therapy which means no therapy over the summer. McCain says that he will focus federal resources on ensuring that the neediest children have access to a range of high quality programs. He is not specific with age or money allocated.

You guys may also not know that there is a 7 year waiting list for Camden to receive financial assistance through Medicaid waivers. We also found out yesterday that my insurance will not cover a feeding chair or specialized car seat for Camden due to it being a developmental issue rather than a medical neccessity. This bothers me because the neurologist was worried about the way camden's legs are scissoring and possibly stumping the growth of his hip bones. She said that this may require surgery to correct later on. I believe Obama is in favor of more money spent on preventative medicine, which means it would be cheaper for Camden to have the correct equipment now rather than that money going toward surgery later.

Obama supports the Community Choice Act which allows americans with signifigant disabilites the choice of living in their community and receiving services rather than having to live in a nursing home or group home in order to receive federal services. McCain voted against this, and may have a very good reason but hopefully this will never be an issue with Camden.

I know this is just one issue, but it is a big one for Camden and Becky and I. If you find similar information about McCain then please let us know. I know that McCain is a big supporter on veteran care but he did not return the candidate questionnaire submitted by the American Association of People with Disabillities so it is hard to compare their answers.


Sam said...

Kevin, I can understand the reasons you want to support Obama. I myself of course have expensive health issues I would like to see improved, but I guess I am more cynical about the government being able to successfully make a difference there. I believe the most improvements I have seen in the past 27 years of having diabetes have been a result of the R&D done by private sector pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies, though I remain cynical of them also. My main frustration is I want the permanent fix (cure), not better but even more expensive ways to "manage" it!!!

About the car seat and insurance not covering, it might work to have you doctor write a letter stating the medical necessity of it. I know this has worked for some diabetics when trying to get approved for special equipment to monitor their blood sugar that would not normally be covered. Best of luck to us all-- Sam.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your suggestions and I know you struggle with similar issues. I would love the private sector to do more R&D with CP, but unfortunately 3 of the 4 main research organizations for CP are government agencies, and the 4th, UCP Research and Educational Foundation, is funded by pharmaceutical companies, which makes me a little worried about their profitable motives.

I admit I am also cynical about governemnt control and I hope and pray that we will all have permanent fixes soon, but unitl then we are just searching for the best and most affordable services to increase the quality of life deserving of all. Right now those services seem to be from our government and, in my opinion, Obama has the best plan to make it even better.
