Saturday, July 25, 2009

CamCam's turn at the blog - Day 5

Mommy's here now!! It was good to see her, but she seemed a little drunk on something when she first saw me. I was just showing off my improved head control and she kept wanting to kiss me all over and snuggle with me and make me rub her belly to "say hello to Luke!" Whatever--Luke, puke...he's a bum compared to what I've been doing lately! Of course, I obliged and rubbed her tummy like the good boy I am. But I've got to learn to walk so I can escape her babying me all the time! Trust me people, I'm working it! It was nice to get a decent bowl of cheesegrits w/ sausage before therapy. Daddy hasn't quite mastered that yet!

I'm starting to get the hang of this intensive therapy. I was a little irritable when Ms. Amber was giving me my weighted message, but Ms. Beth sang away my blues. When Ms. Tammy put on my TheraSuit I didn't cry, not even when she tightened it! We did some sit-ups on the huge bouncy thing and that was so much fun it didn't feel like work. Finally Mommy came out from where she was hiding (although I saw her watching me...she wasn't too sneaky). Then we did the exercise I dread--side push-ups.
After that, Daddy decided he'd "walk in my shoes" for a little bit. He tried on the adult sized Terror Suit and when he was putting it on, I got a little upset. Scared that he couldn't handle it, I guess. He only stayed in it for a measly 30 minutes. He said it felt very supportive, like he couldn't hunch over if he wanted to. Of course, he didn't have the full suit on, just the vest and shorts (and I must say I make that suit look a lot better than Daddy).
Ms. Tammy put me in the harness so I could do some walking, this time with the full suit on. It was not as much fun as being free from my bottom suit like on Thursday. It was hard work and it really wore me out, but Ms. Beth came in again with her guitar and that was a treat. I also did some "surfing" on the swing with Ms. Tammy. I liked that a lot.

After therapy was over, I took an hour-long nap then Mommy and Daddy took me for a swim in the Rosenburg's pool. It felt great! After my bath, I had a great dinner of chicken fingers and yummy soup Nana got for me and followed it with two bowls of ice cream. I was ready for bed after that and Mommy and Daddy scooted out to have dinner and a movie with some of Daddy's old high school friends.

I'm proud of how I did, and Mommy did okay too. I thought she would break down and cry but she says she is really impressed with how much love Ms. Tammy has for me and seeing it in person makes her feel better about what I'm doing. She says at first glance it doesn't look like I may be making any dramatic improvement, but am making small important gains every day. Mommy thought my calf muscles felt a little more defined. A little? Lady, I'm ripped now! I'm ready to visit with my Tallahassee Lassie Olivia and give her a "ticket to the gun show!" (Guns being my massive muscles, Grandma and Grandpa!). I've also made a super-cool new friend, Ms. Lisa. She's friends with Nana and is a very smart and funny lady. Ms. Lisa wants to get involved with funding for my next go-round of therapy. She is affiliated with a group of bikers who like to do multi-city poker runs to raise money for different causes. She's very hopeful she can help get something together for me. I'll just have to get myself some leather boots, a bandana to wear and some leather chaps too. The only thing I'll need is a babe to sit on the back of my Hog. I hear Ms. Tammy is a biker babe...maybe if she keeps working with me on my balance I can take her with me. She can do therapy while we ride! Get your motor runnin...


Great Aunt Mary said...

So glad to hear from the one doing ALL the work!! Congrats Camden on your first week. Hope you are feeling stronger everyday. Sound like you are getting into the swing of it all and taking it all in. Keep all the good work and we will keep praying for you, Dad, Mom and yes even Luke.
Love ya'll, GAM

Anonymous said...

We liked your bloggin Camden. Know you are enjoying your weekend off...then back to work! Love you, NANA

Joani said...

Oh the humanity (that was my favorite caption)! Sorry Kevin, you don't look nearly as cute as Camden in the suit! Go Camden! We're cheering hard for ya! Love, Sam, Joani, Maddie & Jake

Betsy said...

By far the best set of pics yet! My favorite is him leaning on the swing with his lip up! He is so cute and I was jealous of Tammy! The guitar is a nice touch, but no jazz flute? Here we go, Camden, Here we go!! (Clap,Clap!)
Your proud Aunt Betsy:)

Finally we get to see Kevin all suited up!